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Your instant revenue raisers
When in financial strain, the situation can feel so overwhelming.
The Aussie Hermit remembers back to London (in 2013 when I was struggling for clients), most of my thoughts and feelings revolved around not having enough money coming in.
From the moment I woke up to the moment my head hit the pillow, that’s almost all I thought about.
And the way I used to soothe those feelings was with emotional eating.
Each morning I’d walk to the local supermarket and buy sweet bread rolls, croissants and M&M’s.
Did it work?
A little.
Mostly though, I just got fat.
The point is…
Financial stress is an all-encompassing, extremely painful situation.
It’s always there - morning and night, week after week, month after month - until you solve the problem.
If this sounds a little bit familiar, then what I want to do is share with you a simple strategy that helped me move the revenue needle forward, and took some of that weight off my shoulders.
But I will warn you about this strategy - sometimes you won’t be doing things you particularly love to do.
However, they’ll be much less painful than the pain of dealing with intense financial stress.
With that being said, what is that strategy?
It’s simple…
All you have to do is write down a list of all the potential things you can do to get more revenue.
Ideally, you want to start with the things that are related to growing your business/getting clients, and you also want to prioritise the "low hanging" fruit.
I.e. The "instant" revenue raisers you know can bring in clients/cash flow fast.
Then you can move onto less relevant things and the things that may take a bit more time to implement.
Let me give you an example of what The Aussie Hermit’s list of "revenue raisers" might look, and in the order I’d do them if I wanted more cash flow:
- Send 2-3 emails per day to my list (instead of just 1)…
- Take on more Facebook ad clients (through referrals or my list)…
- Run a monthly (or even weekly) workshop for my list that promotes my program…
- Use UpWork to get more Facebook ad clients…
- Offer email/sales letter copywriting services to list/current clients/past clients…
- Offer consulting to my list in exchange for them to promote my lead magnet…
- Get interviewed on podcasts to build your list with warm leads (get colleagues to refer you to ones they’ve been on first)…
- See how your program could fit in with colleagues or past clients services (potential JV opportunities)…
- Offer to Coach past clients coaching clients…
- Join a local referral community of business owners…
- Network in local community with business owners…
- Offer other freelance services on UpWork (i.e. funnel building, landing page design, automation setup for Active Campaign)…
- Get a side job running ads for an agency…
- Get a side job in a bar…
- Etc.
See how that works?
So you basically just write down everything you can do to generate revenue. Then you put it in the order in which would move the needle the quickest.
In the past I found just doing this activity helped reduce stress immediately.
Seeing on paper all the different things I could do to generate revenue really opened my eyes to the fact that I’d always have a way to pay the bills and put food on the table - even if that way was a side job in a bar or some other part-time gig.
Of course, you don’t want to have to go down that path.
But at least it’s there if you need it.
One of the things you’ll notice with my list is that a lot of my "instant revenue raisers" revolve around my email list.
I found over the years if you need clients, your email list is first place you want to go.
The reason being, your list is full of people that already know you, like you, trust and know you’re an expert.
They’re your warmest market. Your low-hanging fruit.
And that means they’ll be the most receptive to any offers you put out there to work with you.
Of course, they won’t be receptive if you haven’t kept in contact with them regularly.
If you only send an email once per week or once every few weeks, any promotions you put out there are likely to fall flat.
This is why it’s critical to the survival of your business that you have a good relationship with your list.
Not only because your list will provide you with a consistent flow of clients, but because there will be times in your business when you really (really) need clients.
It could be a bunch of clients leaving…
It could huge unforeseen bill (like a natural disaster)…
It could be the Fed printing another 11 trillion causing hyperinflation (hint hint)…
Whatever the case - when that day happens, you will have your list as the insurance policy.
The only thing you have to do when that crisis comes?
Sit down.
Write up an email with an offer.
Hit send, and watch the applications pour in.
With that being said…
If you want to build a list you can get clients from on demand, that’s exactly what my 15 Minute Client program is all about.
Inside, I show you how to get quality prospects subscribing via paid ads. Then, most importantly, I show you how to build a strong relationship with those prospects sending one email per day.
This email takes about 15-20 minutes to write (a little longer in the beginning)…
This email is one your prospects will love to receive (because it’s entertaining/valuable)…
And this email has them wanting to work with you (because there’s always an offer at the end).
To know when spots open next, put your name on the waitlist here:
-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra
Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free
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