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Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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Proof your market ain’t different

“Believing is seeing.
Once we have a belief we see the information
that will confirm that belief, and we stop
seeing what we don’t want to see. We want to
see evidence that confirms our beliefs, and we
want to forget anything that is dissonant or

-Dr. Carol Tavris

Have you ever had a friend on Facebook (with opposing political opinions), put up a post that’s totally out of context to show why the party/ideology you support is wrong?

Pretty infuriating, right?

Well, the reason why they do this is because they’re always searching for proof (any type of proof - big and small) to support why they believe the things they believe.

And when they find it - they post it.

It’s called confirmation bias.

And while confirmation bias has its uses, if we’re not aware of it it can have devastating effects on our life.

And, of course, our business.

Case in point:

One of the things I hear Coaches says all the time is:

“Luke, my business is different! My market is different!”


The reason why the advice I’m giving them is not going to work for them specifically is because their market is different/smarter/more aware than all the other markets.

And because of that, this “super special” market won’t be on Facebook, or they won’t click on ads, or they are “too busy” to read emails.

But when I tell them, “yes they will. I’ve done it many times before. Even in your market. Here’s proof” - they still don’t listen.

They’re like the Facebook friend who won’t listen when you point out why their post is out of context or devoid of facts.

You can see how this can be problematic for your business.

Because if it is true that…

Your market IS on Facebook…
Your prospects DO click on ads, and…
Your prospects DO read, respond to and buy from emails…

Well, it means you’re missing out on a whole lot of clients.

Further, it also means that your lack of results up until this point is your fault, and not because your market is “different.”

This can be a hard pill to swallow.

Easier is just to say, “my market is different” and keep swapping from bright shiny funnel to bright shiny funnel.

(Until you run out of money and that strategy no longer works, of course)


Here is a small list of just a few niches I’ve helped Coaches grow their business…

Weight loss
Generalised Anxiety Disorder
Binge Eating
Executive Leadership
Fortune 500 Leadership
Toxic Cultures
Change Management
High Ticket Sales
Kids with ADHD
Cello Lessons Piano Lessons
Women who struggle with “The Big (O)”
Plus 100+ more.

And the reason why I can help Coaches in all these different markets is because at the end of the day we’re all human.

Yes, each market above is different in terms of the problems and frustrations they experience.

But as humans, we all have wants and needs.

And so if you know how to create a marketing message that speaks to those wants and needs - and shows how your service will help them get those wants and needs - you will get more clients.

Here it is laid out in steps…

Step 1) Pick a market you want to attract…
Step 2) Research that market so you know their wants/needs, and…
Step 3) Create a message that attracts that market to you.

It’s that simple.

That’s all marketing is.

And it’s the same process for every single niche I work in.

Is this confirmation bias?


But it’s confirmation bias based on fact and years of results.

With that being said…

If you’re currently struggling to get clients that I can almost guarantee the problem is the marketing message.

And the deeper problem is you’re not 100% clear on the exact dream client you’re to attract.

Not to worry, this is the first step I take you through in my 15 Minute Client program.

As above, you will…

—> Pick your dream client…
—> Research that dream client so you know their wants/needs, and…
—> Create a message that attracts that dream client to you.

Specifically, when it comes to attracting them to you - I show you how to get them on your list with paid ads (using a simple lead magnet), then get them booked in your calendar with one daily email.

To know when spots open next, put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Hermit Hole, Canberra

Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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