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How to enjoy selling (& make a killing doing it)
At the moment The Aussie Hermit currently going through a book by Dan Kennedy called…
"Almost Alchemy."
Basically, it’s like a "best of" type book from him.
Highly recommended.
But there’s one part in the book that really stuck out for me.
At the end of chapter 4, he tells a story about how he hired a company to clean his carpets.
And the two guys guy who came did a great job.
However, other than offering a "carpet protectant" at the end of the job, there was no other offering of services, cross-sells, or up-sells.
Here’s what he said they could have offered, but didn’t:
- Book in the next cleaning in 6/8/12 months…
- Enroll in monthly auto-pay for bundles services throughout the year…
- Sell an air purifier, humidifier or water purifier or, better, arrange a sales appointment for a rep highly skilled in selling those to come out and do a demo…
- Leave a couple of pass-along envelopes with literature and coupons, for him to give to neighbours and friends…
- Collect referrals…
- Place a "we were here at your neighbour’s" door-hangers on neighbouring homes’ doors, to create forced referrals…
- Leave a thank you note, card or gift…
- Leave a bounceback or tell-a-friend coupon…
A big opportunity gone begging.
Now imagine (as Dan says in the book) doing the above for every client was worth only 5% extra revenue.
If your company is doing 20 homes per day at 83.50 each (which is what they charged Dan) x 250 days per year, that’s $417,000 in extra revenue.
No chump change.
In fact, that can be company saving revenue if you’re struggling.
And this story reminded me of when I used to help struggling dentists grow their businesses.
One of the things I taught them was how to improve their sales process, just like Dan recommends above.
I would teach them how to convert more callers into appointments.
I would teach them how to get their staff to offer more services.
And I would teach the dentists how to up-sell and cross-sell patients to other products and services.
All of these strategies would have been at least an extra 10-20% revenue to their businesses.
But do you know what happened?
They didn’t want to implement them.
They said…
"I don’t want to sell, I just want to focus on my dentistry."
And no matter how much I tried to explain or convince them why this was a good idea, I kept coming up against a brick wall.
It wasn’t all dentists, I might add. But it was the vast majority. And this is why I got out of that market and stuck with Coaches.
But the reason I tell this story is not to highlight the importance of having up-sells or cross-sells.
I tell it to show you that selling is not "sleazy."
And it’s not something where you’re "taking" from the client.
Instead, selling is about adding value.
It’s about helping.
And when you see selling as a way to help, then you’ll have no problem offering more services.
We Coaches often feel a bit weird selling our stuff.
And a part of that is because of the terrible guru tactics being taught to us, but another part of it is our upbringing.
Whatever the case, we need to reframe selling if we want to be successful in business.
Because if you see selling as something that’s a negative - and as something that takes from your client - you’ll never get to where you want to be.
You’ll never make the revenue you want to make.
And you’ll never make the impact you want to make.
The other great thing about selling is the prospect isn’t being forced into buying your stuff against your will.
They always have the option of saying yes or no.
And so, another way you can think of selling is just making them aware of a product or service they might like.
Like, "Hey, you mentioned that you’re struggling with this, I have a program that might be able to help with that. Would you like to hear about it?"
From there they can say "Sure!" Or "No thanks!"
It’s not a big deal.
You’re just offering help and if they don’t want it - no problem.
And so once again…
Selling doesn’t have to be a process that takes, or a process full of sleaze.
Instead, look at it as a process where you’re casually offering help.
Because when you look at it that way, you’ll see opportunities to offer more help (and therefore make more sales) just like Dan mentions above.
With that being said…
One of the things I teach in my 15 Minute Client daily email program, is how to sell at the end of every one of your emails without being douchey.
Where the call to action is just like an offer for help.
Along with that, I teach you my "Q&A Close" sales script to sign those prospects up who do end up booking an appointment.
And the good news about this script is, you don’t need to be an "expert closer" to sign up premium clients.
And that’s because most of the clients already come wanting to work with you before you speak (such is the power of daily email).
On the phone you simply go through a "Q&A" type conversation where you find out what the prospect is stuck with, where they want to go and how your offer fits into that equation.
It really is that simple.
To know when spots open next, put your name on the waitlist here:
-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra
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