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Simple rules for re-sending old emails
On some days The Aussie Hermit just doesn’t feel like writing.
It doesn’t happen often.
But when it does, I’ll open up a text file of hundreds of emails I sent years ago.
I’ll trawl through that text file.
I’ll pick something out that’s relevant today.
And I’ll send it out.
And there’s nothing wrong with sending out emails you’ve sent before.
In fact, I recommended it.
If only 20% of people (on average) open up your daily email, it means the chance they’ve read that email you’re resending is 1 out 5.
(That’s even if they were on your list from when you first sent it)
And even if they have already read it, who cares?
If the email is entertaining and has a valuable lesson, they’ll welcome the reminder.
At least, I know I do when I’m on a list that sends out a great email I’ve already read.
Of course, you don’t want to resend the same emails once every 3 weeks.
Leave a bit of a gap.
I say about once per 6 to 12 months is a good rule.
Do that and you’ll continue to keep people entertained even with old emails.
Here’s what’s funny about re-sending old emails though…
Often when you look back at what you wrote you’ll cringe a bit.
At least I know I do.
Maybe not a 6 month old email.
But a 6 year old email?
The odds are high.
I would say about 1 out of every 5 emails in that text file is unusable.
Not because it’s not valuable in terms of the lesson taught.
But because of my personality when I first wrote it.
Honestly, some of the emails sound like I’m 18.
A bit too “try hard” or something.
And so I have to extensively edit those emails. To the point where it’d just be faster to write a whole new email.
But the reason why I tell you this is because, if you look back at old emails or content you wrote and cringe, that’s a very good thing.
It means you’ve grown.
Frankly, if I look back and don’t see places I could improve my content, that would be more embarrassing.
Point is…
Don’t be afraid to use old emails.
And also don’t be afraid to update old emails because most likely - they’ll need updating.
Finally, what I should mention about my old emails is this:
Sure, they’re cringey.
Sure, the content could be improved.
And sure, they could be made clearer and more entertaining.
But you know what?
Even with my “try hard” personality - they still got me clients.
Even with my “not perfect” content - they still got me clients.
And even though I wasn’t always 100% clear on my message - they still got me clients.
The same is true for my clients who start sending daily email.
Sure, their emails aren’t perfect.
And sure, they’re still learning how to communicate their message.
But you know what?
They’re still getting clients.
And that says more about what it takes to get clients than anything.
It’s not about being perfect, it’s about taking action.
With that being said…
If you want a simple way to attract more clients then that’s what my 15 Minute Client program is all about.
With just one email per day you’ll get a consistent flow of quality prospects booking into your calendar.
There are no crazy funnels with this approach.
No complex automations.
And no convoluted tech to set up.
Just a simple list building campaign (all on autopilot) and one email per day.
To know when spots open next, put your name on the waitlist here:
-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra
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