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3 “red flags” your campaigns need help

Because The Aussie Hermit’s time is valuable, one of the things I always get potential clients to do before I speak to them is fill out an application.

It’s not too long.

But it allows me to spot any “red flags” that might need addressing before we speak. Plus, give me an insight into where my services and/or my 15 Minute Client program can help.

And one of the questions I ask on the form is:

“What’s stopping you from getting to your goal?”

Typically, I get a variety of answers.

However, the other day I had a response that I found encapsulates what is happening with a lot of Coaches.

And so I thought I’d share that response (with this Coach’s blessing, of course), because I think it can help many reading this.

Maybe even you.

Here’s what he said…

“While I've done coaching for several years, it was just one of the services I offered. Now, I want to do it full-time and I'm struggling with getting leads. I've tried Facebook Ads and they didn't result in any new leads. My clients rave about my coaching program and I know it can help people struggling with their marketing. It's frustrating (and a bit depressing) for me to admit that I'm struggling with my own marketing but I suppose it's always harder to do for yourself what you do for others.”

Does that resonate?

I know it did for me.

Even if you’re not a marketing Coach I’m sure there are pieces of that paragraph you identify with.

For example…

I know many Coaches struggle to get leads.

They’re spending hours in Facebook groups. They’re creating tons of content. They’re posting. They’re doing videos. They’re doing all the organic strategies they can fit into a day, and it barely results in any new subscribers or appointments.

Also, like this Coach, many Coaches are running ads.

But there’s no traction. All they’re doing is watching their wallet get emptied into Facebook’s bank account.

Then they’re left wondering…

“Is there something wrong with me?”

“Do ads just not work for me?”

“Maybe it’s Facebook? Maybe I just don’t have the right targeting? Maybe LinkedIn or YouTube ads would be better for me?”

It’s confusing and disheartening.

And finally, this is probably the most frustrating thing of all…

Almost all Coaches I speak with know they have an amazing program.

And they know if they work with the right person they can get amazing results.

But they just can’t seem to communicate the value of that program in the right way.
Because if they did…

If they knew how to communicate their transformational value, they’d have clients chasing them down.

Instead, they get no appointments.

And if they do get appointments, they get a lot of “let me think about it” or “I don’t have the money” type responses.

The Aussie Hermit hears the 3 struggles .all the. time.

And it’s 3 things I struggled with for many years.  

The good news is, they’re all fixed with the same solution.

And this is what I told this Coach when we spoke.

The reason why we Coaches struggle to attract leads, make ads work for us, and communicate the value of our programs is because - we aren’t clear on our market.

We don’t have one specific prospect in mind when we write our messages.

And because of that, every piece of copy or communication we put out there is vague and ambiguous.

For example, the first headline when I opened this Coach’s website was:

“Marketing Solutions for Small Business Owners - We help small businesses of all shapes and sizes safely navigate the world of digital marketing”

This isn’t good.

The reason?

It doesn’t speak to any business owner in particular.

A small business owner could be…

A dentist…
A doctor…
A lawyer…
A boutique shoe store owner…
A 10 million per year ecommerce store…
A coach…
A copywriter…
A videographer…
A photographer…

…And on it goes.

Each small business I listed above has different problems, different business challenges (i.e. different regulations they deal with) and different industry jargon.

And so if you want to attract them, you need to speak to those specific challenges and problems.

For example, a better headline might be something like…

“Would you like to know how professional wedding photographers are busier than every during covid?”

This is better.

Because it specifically calls out a type of business owner (professional wedding photographers).

And because it speaks to an industry specific problem (no weddings during covid).

And when you do this, your message cuts through into the market.

It stands out and gets attention.

And this is what gets people clicking your ads, signing up to your list and buying your programs.

With that being said…

Getting clear on your market is actually a pretty straightforward process.

And one I go through in The 15 Minute Client program.

What can be a little more difficult is recognising you need help with this.

Many Coaches think they’re clear on their market, but really aren’t.

An easy way to know is this...

Do you struggle to get the right prospects to:

—> Click on your ads?
—> Sign up to your list?
—> Book appointments from your funnel?
—> Book appointments from your emails?
—> Consistently buy your program?

If so, I can virtually guarantee you’re not as clear as you need to be.

And so maybe a little of The Ol’ Aussie Hermit’s 15 Minute Client program is exactly what you need to remedy this problem?

To know when spots open next, put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra

Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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