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Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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The rise of the “me too” experts

Henry Ford once said…

"It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning."

Keep in mind, this was said in 1922. Some 99 years ago.

And yet, what he was saying is more relevant today than ever before.

If you’re "awake," I’m sure you agree.

But if you’re asleep?

Well, all The Aussie Hermit can say is…

If you don’t understand why he would say such a thing, it’s time to do some research.

It’s either that or suffer the consequences of what’s to come over the next few years.

(Tip: Start with "The Creature from Jekyll Island")

Another old Henry Ford quote that’s more relevant today, particularly in business, is this one:

"Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason so few engage in it."

Case in point:

It’s amazing to The Aussie Hermit how many gurus I see who simply copy their content and programs off other gurus in the industry.

It’s lazy.

It’s devoid of any thinking.

And, also, it’s illegal.

The sad thing is, this doesn’t just happen in the business/marketing industry - it happens across all industries.

People want success so bad that they look for the shortest path to get there - even if that means literally copy/pasting someone else’s path.

Ironically, this actually makes it harder for you to stand out, not easier.

By copying others you simply become a "me too" expert.

And let The Aussie Hermit tell you - "me too" experts never get to the heights of business they dream about.


There are so many "me too" experts these days that they far outweigh the real experts.

This sounds bad.

Maybe even alarming.

But really, it’s a huge opportunity if you’re a real expert.

Because if you’re a real expert with real experience it’s oh so easy for you to stand out.

Just look at The Aussie Hermit’s daily emails.

From what I hear constantly speaking to Coaches on my list, "my emails are like a breath of fresh air."

And the reason for that is - I’m in an industry of fake "gurus" who all sound the same.

And so by simply dishing out real business advice from real experience and real proven results - I stand out.

It’s that simple.

The downside about becoming a real expert is you have to think.

You have to analyse your methodology.

You have to improve your ability to get results.

You have to consistently put out content.

And you have to constantly read books to stay on top of things.

All of this requires thinking, which is hard work.

But that’s the price you pay for becoming a real expert who earns a real good income.

Of course, you can just skip all of that and try to copy/paste your way to success.

But as mentioned, that probably ain’t going to get you the success you desire.

At least, not for very long anyway.

With that being said…

If you’re a real expert, then that’s exactly who I help in my 15 Minute Client program.

Inside I show you how to demonstrate your expertise within one email you send out each day.

For me, there’s no better methodology to demonstrate that you’re a real expert than to put a piece of content in front of prospects every single day in an email.

That’s something you can’t fake.

Sure, some of the "me too" experts could send an email every day for 30 days or so.
But after that?

That takes being a real expert.

The good news is - sending an email each day doesn’t take as much thinking as what you might expect.

For example…

Inside I share with you my "Never Ending Email Idea Generator."

This process shows you where to get your email ideas from so you never run out.

And so you always have something entertaining and valuable to say.

Along with that, you learn how to build your list on autopilot with quality leads.

That way, you always have an audience of fresh leads ready to listen and buy what you’re selling.

To know when spots open next, put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra

Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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