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Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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My 3yr old's guide to client attraction

If you’re a parent, you know how this scene goes…

Your son or daughter asks for something they shouldn’t be having.

You say “no,” and maybe even give a reason why.

They ask again, and again you say “no.”

Then they continue to ask… and ask… and ask… the exact same thing.

They totally ignore your response - like you haven’t said anything - and keep asking until what?

Until you give in.

And let’s be honest, most of the time you do.

At least, I know I do.

Almost every day Indi (my eldest) wants something she can’t have.

Whether it’s an episode of her favourite TV show…

A type of food she shouldn’t be eating…

Or an annoying toy we thought we’d hidden but somehow she managed to find it behind the clothes at the back of mummy’s cupboard.

And when she finds that something she wants, she asks and asks and asks ad infinitum - until she gets it.

She is relentless.

And, as I was handing her another chocolate today against my will, I couldn’t help but think about the lesson in this story. It reminded me a lot about that story in “Think & Grow Rich,” where the young black girl kept asking for “50 cents” until she got it.

And the message across each is that - sometimes the way to get what you want is to simply follow up, and follow up, and follow up relentlessly until you get it.

This may be more true in business than anywhere else.

We all know that most people aren’t ready to buy right away - but will be some day.

And the key to being the Coach they choose to invest in when that day comes is to follow up.

Most Coaches know this, and so they’ll send out an email or 2 per week (sometimes 3) to try and be the one that gets chosen.

But is 1-3 emails per week the best way to follow up?

Well, if you look back at the examples above, I don’t think so.

Here’s why…

Put The Aussie Hermit’s “one email per day” follow up strategy against any other marketing Coach’s “2 per week” strategy and I’ll out earn them every time.

The reason?

Well, it’s simple...

If I’m sending 3x-4x more emails each week it means:

I am adding 3x-4x more value…

I’m educating the market 3x-4x more why they should choose me…
And I’m getting 3x-4x more offers in front of that market to work with me.

It’s just math.

With more emails comes more clients.

With less emails, and less consistent follow up, comes less clients.


In an interview a long time ago Will Smith said:

“The only thing that is distinctly different from me is I’m not afraid to die on a treadmill.

I will not be out-worked, period.

You might have more talent than me, you might be smarter than me, you might be sexier than me, you might be all those things you got it on me in nine categories. But if we get on the treadmill together, there are two things:

You’re getting off first, or I’m going to do. It’s really that simple.”

In other words…

The key to success in business - and the key to clients - is actually quite simple…

You just gotta out-work your competition.

The only difference between me and the other Coach in the example above is that I’m relentless with my follow up.

That’s it.

I’m not the greatest copywriter.

I’m not the greatest marketer.

I’m not the greatest salesman.

And I’m not the greatest businessman.

And yet, because I’m relentless - because I outwork others in my market who couldn’t be bothered sending an email each day - I get the bulk of the clients.

Some food for thought going forward.

With that being said…

The Aussie Hermit can’t make you show up each day to send an email.

That’s on you.

You’ve got to want it bad enough to put in the work.

But what I can do, is make sending emails as easy as possible so that when you do implement your relentless follow up strategy, it doesn’t take a lot of time…

And it doesn’t take you killing yourself on the treadmill (so to speak) to make it work.

Enter my 15 Minute Client program.

Inside I show you:

—> Where to get hundreds of emails ideas every week…

—> How to communicate those ideas in an entertaining and valuable way (so they look forward to your daily emails), and…

—> How to get them done in minutes per day (yes, even if it currently takes you an hour or more).

Along with that, you learn how to build your list on autopilot with quality leads.

That way, all you have to do to get clients is send out one daily email.

To know when spots open next, put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra

Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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