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How to attract clients with bananas

A few years ago, The Aussie Hermit was critiquing this Coach’s sales letter.

And, in this letter she went into a little bit of her story about how she used to struggle to get personal training clients.

So much so, she resorted to some super (self confessed) cringe-worthy strategies.

One of those cringe-worth strategies?

It’s almost too unbelievable to believe.

Here’s what she did…

She hired an adult banana suit.

She got dressed in said banana suit.

She then proceeded to go down to the local train station each morning to hand out bananas with her business card to try and get clients.

I kid you not.

She literally gave people bananas.

Talk about courage!

And talk about desperation.

When I read that I must admit, I laughed a lot (she told it in a way that was poking fun at herself). But I also felt empathy for her.

You see, The Aussie Hermit know’s exactly what it’s like to be so desperate and so… clueless about client attraction, that you end up trying stuff that, while creative, is bound to fail (sometimes spectacularly).

For example, back in 2013 I lived in London for about 12 months.

And, toward the end of my time there I resorted to some desperate client getting tactics of my own (I’d only landed 1 client in that whole time I was there).

One of those tactics?

I went door knocking.

I literally went from restaurant to restaurant trying to sell my services. Now here’s the kicker…

I was so desperate that I wasn’t even trying to sell coaching - I was trying to sell "mobile websites." These were apparently the "hot" thing, and a friend of mine said selling them to local businesses was "like shooting fish in a barrel."

The results?

I didn’t sell one!

For hours and hours, I went from door to door and while I got a few nibbles, I didn’t make one sale.

How depressing.

And it wasn’t long after that that I returned to Australia with a ton of debt, and still no new clients.

So the reason I tell you this is to show you that those who are successful now, were probably pretty clueless at one stage. And that’s OK. Because we learn, we move forward, then we succeed.

So if you’re struggling to get clients and your approach is a little haphazard like The Aussie Hermit was - don’t stress.

It’ll come together for you.

The key is to find 1 strategy - just 1 - to implement that will bring you consistent clients (and preferably one that doesn’t require a banana suit).

All it takes is 1 strategy.

Not 10.

Not 2.


Then you can add more later.

With that being said…

If you ask which strategy I prefer, well, if you’ve been on my list for any length of time you know I like to keep it simple.

Here’s how I help Coaches get more clients…

Step 1) Build your list with quality leads using paid ads…

Step 2) Email that last every day and…

That’s it.

There is no step 3.

It’s that simple.

That’s really all it takes.

That’s the one strategy I’ve now used for years, taught for years, and the one strategy that will work for years to come.

If you want to learn it in detail, well that’s exactly what I teach inside my 15 Minute Client program.

To know when spots open next, put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra

Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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