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Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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Why email doesn’t work for some Coaches

A few months back The Aussie Hermit’s computer died on me out of nowhere.

And, unable to figure out what the problem was, I headed down to the Apple store to get it fixed.

Fast forward a week and I get my computer back.

The problem?

Something to do with the battery.

The good news is, they replaced it for free.

The bad news is, it looks like this battery is having issues too.

But why do I bring this up?

Because I want you to notice the process:

—> My computer stopped working.

—> I couldn’t figure out what the problem was.

—> I went and got the computer fixed.

—> It was something to do with the internals.

Here’s what I didn’t do…

—> My computer stopped working.

—> I couldn’t figure out what the problem was.

—> I yell out in frustration, “Well, I guess computers just don’t work for me!”

—> I never use a computer again.

I didn’t do that, because that would be silly.

And yet, this is exactly how we Coaches react with a lot of marketing methods. Particularly email.

Let me explain…

Often we send emails to our list.

We’ll come up with great content.

We’ll put a lot of effort in.

And we’ll get crickets - barely any opens or appointments.

And after a while of getting frustrated with our results we stop and proclaim, “Well, I guess email doesn’t work for me!”

This is silly.

Because the problem is not with email.

Like the computer analogy above, the problem is with the internals of your emails.


Email is just a medium for delivering your message.

(A powerful one at that)

And so if your emails aren’t getting opened, read and bought from - email is not the problem.

It’s what you’re saying in your emails.

Your message is off.

And the reason why it’s off is also typically a deeper problem.

Just like the problem with my computer was deeper and not surface level.

Usually, the message is off because the Coach is not clear on who they’re really writing to.

They’re not clear on their market.

Or how their offer fits in with that market.

And so when they start sending emails they get a terrible response.

Here’s the key though…
When that happens, don’t sit back and proclaim, “well I guess email doesn’t work for me!”

You’ve got to investigate.

You’ve got to get into the “internals” of why what you’re saying isn’t working.

As mentioned, it’s typically because you’re not 100% clear on your market, or you don’t know your market well enough.

And only until you do this research can you hope to get great results with email.

It’s that simple.

With that being said…

The very first process we go through in The 15 Minute Client program is getting clear on your market.

This includes…

—> The “big” urgent problem you solve (you’d be surprised how many Coaches can’t articulate just one core urgent problem they solve)…

—> The niche market that will pay a lot to have that problem solved…

—> Your dream client avatar so you know what to say in your ads, landing pages and emails to attract your market to you…

Plus more.

Even 6-figure+ Coaches I find need to go through this process (particularly those that rely on referrals) because they’re often not 100% clear either.

And when they do, their campaigns go to a whole new level.

Their message is on point.

It gets the attention of their dream prospect.

And it gets the Coach booking more appointments.

Of course, this is also the case for Coaches earning under 6-figures, too.


Once we’re clear on your market, I show you how to:

—> Package your program into premium offer your market would feel silly saying “no” to…

—> Build your list on autopilot with paid ads, and…

—> Convert that list into high-paying clients with one daily email.

To know when spots open next, put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra

Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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