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Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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Kiyosaki investment quote teaches important sales lesson

Because we’re in the middle of “The Great Economic Collapse” (a collapse that will far exceed the Great Depression), The Aussie Hermit has been watching a lot of economic videos.

And, one of the people I like to listen to is Robert Kiyosaki.

He has a lot of wise advice.

And one of the pearls of wisdom he threw out the other day in an interview was this:

“You make money when you buy, not when you sell.”


If you buy at the top of the market you’re screwed.

But if you buy at the bottom of the market you win.

Very true.

And what’s also true is that it’s the same with clients…

You make money when a client buys, not when you sell.

Here’s what I mean…

The truth about sales is that everyone loves to buy, but no one wants to be ‘sold.’

For example…

Just think back to one of your recent vehicle purchases - the experience is enjoyable.

You look up different cars.

You compare models.

You talk features.

You picture yourself driving around in it.

It’s fun.

However, that experience changes drastically when a sleazy car salesman tries to push you into a close.

The same is true for your clients.

They love to buy but hate to be sold.

And so you have to make your sales process an experience where they feel like they’re buying - not like you’re selling.

This is yet another reason why I love sending daily emails.

With every email, I help them compare a different feature or benefit of my program.

With every email, I get them excited about what it’s going to be like to experience my program.

And with every email, I allow them to reach out to me with a soft call to action.

I let them control the purchase.

I don’t push.

And because of these reasons, I allow them to buy.


One of the other things I don’t do when I speak on the phone with a prospect is any sales tricks or “closes.”

I’ve never liked them.

Mainly because they’re often useless. But also because it turns it into a selling experience for the prospect.

So instead, all I do is ask questions and find out from the prospect where they’re stuck and what they’re looking for.

Then from there, I explain how my system fits in with what they’re after.

In other words, I let them direct the buying experience.

And when you combine that approach with a daily email, my closing rate is above 80%.

Point is…

When you change the focus from selling them to ‘helping them buy,’ you’ll probably find you make a lot more sales - and have a lot more happy clients, too.

With that being said…

If you’d like a few more prospects booking into your calendar you can help buy, then maybe The Aussie Hermit’s 15 Minute Client program can help?

Inside I show you how to build a list on autopilot with quality leads, plus send that list a valuable email each day that gets regular appointments.

Along with that, I also give you the simple sales framework/script I use to sign up clients without having to push them into a sale or use weird tricks.

To know when spots open next, put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra

Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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