Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free
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Time to end shaming of tiny email lists
You may not believe this. But, following is an article excerpt from a real news website in Australia: “Dozens of men have hit the streets for a “Small Dong March,” seeking to end the so-called “shame” associated with having an undersized penis.” Dozens. I guess the size of the protest doesn’t matter either? Further, they were carrying signs such as… “Small dongs are dank!” “All dongs are equal!” “All dongs go to heaven!” “Jesus had a small dong!” And The Aussie Hermit’s favourite… “My dong is not a choking hazard!” The only problem with their march? Didn’t look like there were too many women there. Who knows though, maybe it’ll grow next year? Heh. Funny thing is, at the end of the article they try to make the small dong guys feel better by saying if yours is less than 8cm, you generally earn more than those with bigger dongs. Not sure if I believe that. But, it did make me think about another area of businesses we Coaches have a lot of shame around but has the potential to earn a lot even if it’s small. What’s The Aussie Hermit talking about? Your email list. Here’s the truth: There’s nothing wrong with a small email list. In fact, when nurtured the right way, it can earn you a lot of clients. So much so I feel like I should create my own march. Picture The Aussie Hermit walking down the middle of L.A. with thousands of Coaches and signs saying… “Tiny lists produce big clients!” “It’s not the size of the list that counts!” “Jesus had a tiny email list!” And maybe even… “1 email per day makes my tiny list pay!” Of course, we’d all have proof to back up these claims. (Unlike the marchers above) Either way, I think it’d get a lot of traction. Much more than a dozen, anyway. But I digress. Here’s my point… Just because you have a tiny list doesn’t mean you can’t get a lot of clients. Here’s why: What’s most important when it comes to getting clients from your list is that you have a consistent flow (no pun?). With a consistent flow of new leads, you always have new potential prospects to work with. And what that means is, you could literally start with an email list of 0, start filling it with paid ads today, and start getting clients tomorrow. Of course, it typically takes a week or two to warm people up. But with a great offer, you can get clients quite quickly. In fact, recently I had a client sign up watching my lead magnet video and he hadn’t even read any of my emails. Again, not typical, but it does happen. Point is… You do not need a huge “guru list” to get clients with email. Start small. Consistently add prospects. And most of all… Email regularly. Do that, and you’ll earn more than Coaches with even bigger With that being said… Almost all the Coaches who work with The Aussie Hermit have a tiny list. And yet, they’re still able to get clients because they implement what I recommended above. If you’d like to learn how you can get high paying clients with a small list and sending just 1 email per day, well maybe my 15 Minute Client program might be a good fit? To know when spots open next, put your name on the waitlist here: -Luke Charlton The Man Cave, Canberra |
Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free
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