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11.5 trillion reasons to buy gold now

7,804 miles high.

That’s how far you’d go up into the sky (and outer space) if you stacked 11.5 trillion dollars worth $100 dollar bills on top of each other.

Keep in mind, a $100 note is 0.0043 inches (or 0.01mm) thin.

Pretty mind boggling when you think about it.

And what’s also mind boggling is that this is the exact same amount of money the Fed has printed over the last 18 months.

I’m not sure why, but most of the population seem to think this is totally fine.

And that all this printing isn’t going to cause any problems.

Maybe because they believe the Fed?

Or maybe because 11.5 trillion is hard to picture in their mind?

Either way, it ain’t good news.

And the sooner you wrap your head around that, the sooner you can prepare for what’s to come.


What I believe we’re watching is a deliberate destruction of the economy.

The reason why is simple…

By destroying the dollar, those in power (private bankers) are able to move us into a 100% digital economy.

And that means they’ll have even more control.


It enables them to tell you what to buy, and what not to buy.

(Goodbye gold, silver, meat and anything powered by oil!)

It enables them to take away your money if you don’t spend it fast enough.

(Goodbye savings!)

And it enables them to freeze your assets should you "misbehave" - just like China’s social credit score system.

(Goodbye freedom!)

In other words…
They’ll own you.

Don’t believe me?

You don’t have to.
Go check out Klaus Schwab, his "Great Reset" book, and his new "carbon credit card."

He tells you all their plans.

Also, last year the Fed (a private corporation owned by bankers) said they weren’t interested in a central digital currency.

Last week they changed their mind.

Just a coincidence, right?


The truth is, it was always their plan but they couldn’t just come out and say "we’re going digital." It has to seem like a process.

The point is…

The economy is being driven into the ground on purpose to create a crisis that forces us into this new system.

Still don’t believe me?

OK, here’s more:

Take a look back at the last 100 years.

Any time the government has gained more control was during a crisis.

Just a few examples include…

1934 - After the crash FDR, through executive order, banned citizens from owning gold. This stayed in effect until 1964.

1971 - The made up "gold speculators" crises gave Nixon the excuse he needed to "temporarily" take the dollar off the gold standard and into "print money on demand" fiat system.

2001 - The 9/11 crisis gave us "The Patriot Act" (within 40 days of that crisis), which took away American’s privacy rights.

2008 - The Great Recession gave the government more control over how they print money.

Etc etc.

Wait, not good enough for you?

Ok, how about this…

The supply chain issues we’re currently experiencing are not because of the pandemic.

They’re created on purpose.

For example, did you know that California brought in a policy that only "green trucks" were allowed in their state?

Green trucks, if you didn’t know, are very expensive to build.

And only account for about 20% of the trucking industry.

So what the truckers have to do, is pick up the cargo/goods at the LA ports using the green trucks, drive to the edge of the state then transfer those goods to normal trucks which then drive across the rest of the country.

As you can imagine, this process is very slow.

And, it’s one of the reasons we’re experiencing the supply chain issues - it creates a huge bottleneck.

This is also why, even if they work 24 hours per day, 7 days per week unloading the cargo at the ports, it won’t make any difference at all.

(Something no one in the government or media talks about. Wonder why?)

Point is…

This is all on purpose to create an economic crisis to lead us to a new financial system.

Of course, you probably shouldn’t listen to me.

After all, I’m just a hermit in a man cave who trawls through conspiracy theory forums with a tin-foil hat.

But let’s pretend for a minute I was right.

No harm in pretending, right?

Well, if you knew a crash was coming, how would you prepare?

If it were me (and again, I’m not financial expert so probably best to ignore this), I’d put a little of my savings each month to gold and silver.

That way, when a loaf of bread is $450 you won’t be caught out.

The other way I’d prepare is by stocking up on essentials like toilet paper, long life food and meat I can put in the freezer.

For the same reason above.

Finally, I’d have something to defend myself and my family with.


Well, you saw what people did when they had no toilet paper.

Imagine what they’ll do when they have no food.


So get yourself a weapon of some kind.

Even if it’s just a baseball bat. At least it’s something.

Once again, though, this is all just pretend and you probably shouldn’t worry about it.

That 3.5 trillion Biden wants to spend (that will add "0" to the debt) is going to be totally fine.

All this printing is totally fine.

With that being said…

One of the best ways to get prepared is to get more clients now.

That way, you have the cash flow you need to protect yourself with the supplies I mentioned above, plus…

When the economy falls off a cliff you can pick up some bargain basement investments.

As Robert Kiyosaki says…

The best time to get wealthy is during a crash.

So if clients are what you’re after, then maybe The Aussie Hermit’s 15 Minute Client program is what you need?

Inside I show you how to get clients beating down your door sending one email per day.

And what you’ll love most about it is that there are no complex funnels.

The whole system is 2 landing pages and an email autoresponder.

So it’s very quick and easy to get set up.

Along with that, you’ll build your list on autopilot with paid ads.

And once again, it’s all about simplicity.

You literally just created 1 image ad that promotes 1 lead magnet and that can run for weeks without being touched.

To know when spots open next, put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra

Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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