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Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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How to turn your daily crap into daily clients

A while back Apple released a new feature on their phones to track your activity.

It’s called, "Screen Time."

And, at the end of the week, it gives you a breakdown of exactly how much time you spent on social media and certain apps.

It’s pretty eye opening the first time you get that report.

I remember the first time I got it it said I’d spent over 5 hours that week on Instagram alone.

That’s a lot of time wasting.

And pretty scary when you think about it.

I remember back when I was struggling for clients in London I’d often waste a lot of time on social media.

Time I didn’t have to waste.

And yet, because I was overwhelmed, paralysed, stuck on what to do - I’d find myself mindlessly scrolling to escape.

The good news is, I don’t go on Instagram and other platforms as much now.

Part of that is because of Apple’s Screen Time app.

The other part is because I have 2 young kids and the only time The Aussie Hermit can get on my phone is when I take a crap.

Here’s the truth though…

I probably shouldn’t be spending any time on it at all.

And if you know you’re the same, I want to give a tip right now to make your phone (and poopin’) time far more productive.

The next time you pull out your mobile on the loo, instead of going straight to Insta or Facebook or for us conspiracy theorists - Telegram - open up your notes app and write an email.

Even if you don’t get the whole email done, at least you’ll have the beginning of one.

Then, when you have the time that day or next morning, you can finish it off and send it out.

This would be a far more productive (and profitable) way to use your phone.

And a very time efficient way to get clients.

With that being said…

If you want more clients with email, one of the pieces that’s critical to your success is getting a consistent flow of quality leads onto your list.

It’s all well and good for The Aussie Hermit to tell you to send out an email, but if your list is dead or you’ve got no subscribers, ain’t not much is going to happen.

This is why I created my 15 Minute Client program.

Inside I show you how to get quality prospects opting in using paid ads.

That way, you’ll always be building your list whether you’re sleeping, eating, and yes - poopin’ too.

Along with that, I show you how to send a marketing email each day your prospects actually enjoy opening, reading and buying from.

To know when spots open next, put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra

Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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