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Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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An “old news” client strategy that still works

A while back The Aussie Hermit was reading a great business book called, "ReWork."

It’s by the guys who created Basecamp (previously 37 Signals).

And, while I liked pretty much the whole book (I’ve read it multiple times).

There was one chapter entitled, "Focus on what won’t change," that really struck a chord.

Here some of that chapter below with my comments to follow:


"A lot of companies focus on the next big thing.

They latch on to what’s hot and new.

They follow the latest trends and technology.

That’s a fool’s path.

You start focusing on fashion instead of substance.

You start paying attention to things that are constantly changing instead of things that last.

The core of your business should be built around things that won’t change. Things that people are going to want today and ten years from now.

Those are the things you should invest in."


Great advice.

And the reason why this struck a chord is because this is exactly how I used to run my coaching business.

I was always focused on the latest marketing fad or guru funnel.

Whether it was figuring out the best "button colour" on my landing pages…

Or what type of "tripwire funnel" I needed to have…

Or what the best "split test" feature was…

Or what the best "interest audience" is to use in my ads…

+hundreds of others.

And the problem with that was…

One week my tactic would work, and then next it didn’t.

This then led me onto more fads that never gave me consistent results.

It was a fool's path.

So much so, after years of effort, I had virtually nothing to show for it.

Just a lot of debt and a lot of frustration.

Which is why The Aussie Hermit is passionate about this subject.

I see a lot of Coaches make the same mistakes I was.

And so one of the core messages I try to drill into you in my daily emails is to stay away from the bright shiny marketing tactics.

Sure, they’re sexy.

Sure, they’re exciting.

But they’re always changing.

And so they rarely pay off.

However, what does pay off is what doesn’t change.

What does pay off is what has worked in the past and will work in the future.

What does pay off are the stalwarts.

The evergreen strategies.

The "oh I’ve already heard of that before" approaches.

That’s what I look for now.  

And while I know they may not be sexy.

They may not be as exciting as the latest guru fad, I know they’ll continue to work for years to come.

A great example of this is email.

People rarely give email the time of day.

It’s not spoken about on social media.

It’s not promoted in guru ads.

It’s not exciting.

It’s "old news."

And that’s why I like it.

It’s been here from the beginning of the Internet, and most likely, it’ll be here until the end of it.

(Unless, of course, the Rothschild’s figure out a way for us to "telepathically communicate" using the nano chips they’ve put in these Covid Vaccines.

And that means you can feel secure knowing you’re building your business around a client-attraction method that won’t change.

Which also means you can spend less time keeping up with the latest guru fad, and more time working with clients.

With that being said…

This is exactly how I’ve built my 15 Minute Client program.

In fact, if you were to come back in 20 years from now, everything inside would still be relevant and you’d still be able to get clients from it.

The reason?

Because everything inside is based on principles and strategies that will stand the test of time:

Step 1) Create an irresistible offer your market desperately needs…

Step 2) Advertise a lead magnet that brings in quality leads onto your list, and…

Step 3) Send that list one email each day that demonstrates your expertise, and has a call to action to work with you.

Again, it’s not sexy.

But it’s simple, and will continue to work for years to come.

If you like the sound of building your business off a strategy that doesn’t change, then put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra

Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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