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Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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3 minute emails

The Aussie Hermit lives in a townhouse.

2, actually.

Alana and I own one, and we rent the one next door for The Man Cave (AKA: the office).

And, one of the more annoying things about living amongst others is that you have to share bins.

In Australia, we generally have 2 types of bins…

A recycling and the household waste bin.

(Some places also have a “green waste” bin)

And the not-so-funny thing is, people don’t give two craps about what they put in these bins (even though it’s very clear what you goes in each). I’ve seen food in the recycling bin. Wood furniture. Metal furniture. I’ve even seen a whole bike shoved into one.

It’s pretty bad.

But what I find most annoying is that the recycling bins always get full.

No matter the week or time of year.

They will fill up.

And, often, they’ll fill up to the point where people just leave their bottles/plastics/containers etc next to the bins.

And that’s why our body corporate decided to fix this by ordering 3 new recycling bins from the government.

The theory being, with more bins there will be plenty more room for everyone to fit their recycling.
Can you guess what happened?

The bins still overflow.

That’s right.

Even though we have 3 extra bins (now a total of 8), they still fill up to the point where people still leave their crap all around the bins.

And, had they spoken to The Aussie Hermit before ordering the bins, I could have told them this was going to happen.
The reason?

Well, it’s kind of like when scheduling your time.

When you schedule time to do an activity - whatever that activity is - you will often fill that time.

For example…

If you schedule 4 hours to get a blog post done, more than likely it’ll take you that whole 4 hours.

If you schedule 2 hours to create a lesson in your course, more than likely it’ll take that whole 2 hours.

If you schedule 1 hour to have a sales conversation, more than likely you’ll take that whole hour.


So when my neighbours see that there are more bins, naturally they find more stuff to fill it with.

It’s human nature.


One of the things Coaches tell me they hate about sending emails is how long it takes them.

But I say the main reason it takes them that long is because you’re giving yourself too much time to do them.

Instead, do the opposite.

Restrict the amount of time you’re allowed to do your emails, and you’ll able to get them done faster.

For example…

What if you gave yourself only 30 minutes each day to do your emails.

Set a timer and when it stops, that’s it.

You can’t write anymore.

You can’t edit.

You just have to send it out.

That’s a surefire way to get them done faster.

Or what about this…

What if you only gave yourself 3 minutes?

Could you get them done that fast?

Maybe not if you’re typing.

But do you know what I’d do?

I’d record them.

That’s right.

I’d pull out my phone. I'd pick an email idea from my “idea list.” I’d hit “record.” And then I’d send the completed file to my VA to transcribe/edit/publish.

Again - the amount of time you allot to an activity, is typically how long it will take to complete that activity.

Reduce your allotted time and you reduce the length of that activity.

And this is how you can get your emails done in 3 minutes per day.

With that being said…

I go deeper on getting your emails done in just a few minutes each day inside my 15 Minute Client program.

Even better, the strategies inside work for any Coach. Even if it typically takes you a long time to create content.

Along with that, I give you hundreds of ways to come up with email ideas so you always have something to say when you sit down to write (or record).

Want to get clients with one daily email?

Make sure to put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra

Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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