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Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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The secret "yes" in a sales objection

Sales objections.

The Aussie Hermit used to hate sales objections.

I’d get on a call with a potential client…

Everything would be going great…

They were a perfect fit…

They were excited about the program…

Then as soon as I told them the investment, suddenly the whole call would change.

Suddenly, they were back peddling.

“I can’t afford it”

“I don’t have the time”

“Maybe in a couple months I’ll let you know.”

And, I’d be sitting there thinking…

“You just told me how much you love the program, but now you’re trying to run!?”


But that was then.


I don’t mind objections.

In fact…

I look forward to them.

The reason?

Very simple…

It was a change in perception on what sales objections actually are.

You see, what I learned from doing lots of sales calls is that an objection is rarely a “no.”

An objection is often just an automatic, unconscious reaction from the prospect.

It’s a safety mechanism that slows them down.

That gives them time to think.

That helps them make sure they’re making a good decision.

For example…

Think about the last time you get the “now’s not the right time” excuse.

It’s a pretty lame excuse, right?

Your prospect just got done telling you how much they’re struggling, what their life would be like with a better marriage/business/relationship with their kids etc, and now they’re trying to tell you they just don’t have the time.


They just need time to process the decision.

Here’s what I mean…

Sometimes when someone gives me an objection I’ll literally ignore it.

I won’t even overcome it.


I’ll just let them get it out. I’ll let them say what they want to say about it. Then I’ll just move right along to asking for the sale again, and they sign up.

Weird, ay?

The point is…

See an objection as a sign you’re on the right path!

See objections as your future client’s way of saying, “I want this! I just don’t want to make the wrong decision!”

So help them process it on the call.

Help them get it out.

Then, as always, ask for the sale again.

With that being said…

The truth is, The Aussie Hermit doesn’t get many sales objections anymore.

And that’s because the way I attract clients is by sending a daily email.

By sending an email every day, I’m able to build “know, like and trust,” I’m able to demonstrate my expertise, and I’m able to hit on certain objections I know my prospect has about my program.

For example, “how much time will it take to set up?”

Or, “when will I see results?”

Or, “will this work if I’m not a copywriter?”


So by addressing their main questions and concerns before we speak, they’re basically ready to sign up as soon we jump on the call together.

If that’s the type of prospect you’d also like to speak to on the phone, then maybe my 15 Minute Client program is what you’re after?

To know when spots open next, put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra

Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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