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Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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The case against autoresponders

A while back I had a bad case of the flu.

The Man Flu.

And, as you can imagine, I was sick as a dog.

With more trips to the bathroom than Hillary to the confessional.

And, unfortunately, I only had the energy to send one email that week.

Far less than my average of one per day.

Now, here’s the thing…

I could have had an autoresponder sequence that sent out emails for me automatically.

Then my list would have got emails even when I was lying in bed, fast asleep.

Or driving the porcelain bus, as us Aussie’s say.

And that would have been a good solution.

Because when you think about it, the great thing about autoresponders is that you can program 100, 200 and even 10,000+ emails in a sequence. Tell the system you want to send out 1 email every day, and you literally have a daily email sequence that can last years.

So no matter what you’re doing…

Whether you’re on vacation…

Whether you’re spending time with family…

Or whether you’re sick with the WuFlu, the clients and cash flow keeps rolling in.

Seems like a pretty good deal.

So why didn’t I have one setup?

Well, it’s the same reason this email is called "the case against autoresponders."

Here’s the truth:

If you automate an email sequence that doesn’t convert, you’ll have spent all that time writing emails for no cheddar.

And this is exactly what happens with the vast majority of Coaches who try to set up an email autoresponder.

They spend all this time setting it up…

They spend all this time writing emails…

They spend all this time getting people to opt into their email list…

And they get no sales.

It’s sad.

And, quite scary.

But the solution is simple:

After working with hundreds and hundreds of Coaches on their emails, the reason they don’t convert is because…

They don’t know their market.


They aren’t sending emails that hit the correct paint points and desires of their market. Along with that, they’re often sending out emails with an offer that doesn’t resonate.
Or worse - no offer at all.

So the reason this email is called "the case against autoresponders" is not because autoresponders are bad. Not at all. In fact, I plan on doing a long one down the road some day.

The reason it’s called that is because most Coaches simply don’t know their market.

And if you don’t know your market, your emails ain’t going to convert.

This is exactly why I love to send out emails manually each day.

By sending out an email each day you can see what is and what isn’t working very quickly.

Send out an email and no appointments get booked?
Maybe that’s not a message your prospects want to hear about.

But send out a message that gets a flood of appointments?

Well, you obviously said something that resonated.
So again…

When you take this approach, you learn very quickly what your market wants, and what they don’t want.

Then from there, you simply keep speaking to the same pain points and desires to bring in consistent clients.

And this is exactly why I don’t teach my clients how to set up an autoresponder in my 15 Minute Client program.  

I make them send out emails manually each day.

And I do this because I know it’s the fastest path to learning what your market wants, and therefore…

It’s the fastest path to clients.

With that being said…

If you’d like to build a thriving coaching business sending just one email per day, then maybe my program is what you’re after?

To find out when spots open next, put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra

Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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