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Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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Bad guru advice #4322

Scrolling through Insta today I saw a "guru" ad promoting a certain-fail strategy for Coaches.

That strategy?

To show you how to sell high ticket without ever getting on the phone.

(I.e. through messenger chat).

Now, while there’s nothing wrong closing sales via email or messenger or even SMS.

My problem is that it’s a strategy the vast majority of Coaches won’t be able to make work.

The reason?

Because the easiest way to sign up a client is a phone conversation.

Yet, most Coaches struggle with doing that to begin with.

So if that’s the easiest way and they’re still struggling, how do you think they’ll fare when it comes to closing via a medium that requires more finesse and sales skills?

Answer: They won’t fare very well at all.

No doubt this ad and her offer will sell well though.

Coaches have a huge fear of selling over the phone so it’s very appealing in that regard.

The Aussie Hermit’s advice?

Only try more automated sales methods (i.e. webinars, VSL’s, sales, messenger chats etc) once you’ve actually made consistent sales via real 1-on-1 sales conversions.

If you can’t close over the phone, don’t try the other methods just yet.

They’re harder to make work, not easier (despite what BS the gurus tells you).

With that being said…

If you want more sales conversations, that’s exactly what my 15 Minute Client program is all about.

Inside I show you how to get high paying clients filling up your calendar sending one email per day.

And the best part is, because you’re using email - these are super "warm" leads.


These prospects are pre-sold on you/your program before you even speak.

Now let me ask you…

Do you think you’d enjoy your sales conversions a lot more if you knew the people you were speaking to already wanted to work with you?


And most importantly…

Do you think you’d be able to make a lot more sales if the people you were speaking to already wanted what you were selling?

Of course.

And that’s how I take Coaches who loath selling, to Coaches who love selling very quick.

To know when spots to the program open next, put yourself on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra

Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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