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Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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6 reasons why I send an email each day (even Saturday & Sunday)

Many Coaches are shocked when I tell them to send an email each day.

Which is understandable because most of the time they’re barely sending 1 per week.

So what I want to do right now is give you a list of 6 reasons why I (and why you should too) email daily:

Reason 1: Most aren’t ready to buy but will be some day

Something like 90% of your market aren’t ready to buy right now, but will be some day.

That could be in 5 days.

It could be in 15 days.

Or it could be in 150 days.

It’s different for each individual on your list.

Either way, the best way to convert those prospects is to simply be there when they are ready to buy.

That way?

You follow up.

By sending an email each day you ensure that if someone is ready to buy today, tomorrow or in 50 days - you'll be there, putting your offer in front of them.

And because you've spent that time building the relationship, they’re most likely going to choose you.

After all, most of your competitors aren’t sending an email each day.

Reason 2: Positioning.

It’s simple…

I know that if I send an email each day that adds value and demonstrates my expertise, I’m going to be “top of mind” when they’re ready to buy.

That’s called positioning.

And positioning is powerful because it effectively eliminates your competition.

You become first choice even among bigger name gurus.

The only price to achieving this?

Sending one email each day.

Reason 3: Each new email is a reason to buy

Unlike a guru funnel where you only get one shot to close them - or one opportunity to convince them of why they should buy - with email you get many chances.

One day you can overcome one objection. The next you can overcome another. Then the day after you can talk about a benefit of your program. Then after that you can show a testimonial etc.

No other funnel system has that.

And that’s why daily email is incredibly powerful in persuading your prospect to work with you.

Reason 4: It’s stupid simple.

Let’s face it…

Sending one email per day is so simple a goat could probably do it.

And they've got hooves!

It’s not like a complex funnel system that has you setting up all these convoluted pages, tons of up sells and down sells, and automations that look like a family tree from The Lord of the Rings.


It’s just one email per day.

And that means all you really have to know how to do is log into an email system. Copy/paste it in and hit “send.”

Reason 5: My list enjoy them

Yes, it’s true!

My list actually enjoys my marketing emails.

So why wouldn’t I send them every day if they love AND buy from them?

I’d be silly not do.

And guess what?

When you send emails the way The Aussie Hermit teaches - where your list loves to read and buy from them - you’d be silly not to send them each day as well.

And that leads me to…

Reason 6: It gets lots of clients

Sending emails each day gets you clients, period.

Of course, your emails have to be valuable and end with an offer they actually want to buy.

But if you get those two parts right, you’ll have a constant flow of high-paying clients for years to come.

And that’s it!

That’s The Aussie Hermit’s 6 Reasons Why I Send Emails Each Day (Even Saturday & Sunday).

With that being said…

If you want to learn the “how’s” of daily email, well that’s what my 15 Minute Client program is for.

Inside I show how anyone - even those who have never studied copywriting - can send winning emails from day one.

Along with that, I help you craft your high ticket off, build your list with paid ads, and close those leads who apply to work with you.

To know when spots open next, put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra

Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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