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“The $1,000 Test” that reveals if you have a $30k/mo business
Yesterday, I revealed my “work backward formula.”
This practical (and quick) exercise shows you how to reach whatever revenue goal you want.
$100k/mo… and more.
(If you haven’t read it - worth a look!)
And in today’s email, I want to come at this topic from a different angle.
I want to share another practical strategy for getting to your monthly revenue goal - whatever that goal is.
I call it “The $1,000 Test.”
Here’s how it works…
Step 1) You setup a simple lead generation campaign using Facebook ads (or another ad platform).
And all you do is advertise a lead magnet that builds your list.
Step 2) You spend $1,000 advertising that lead magnet.
From this spend (if you follow my process for generating leads), at the worst case you will have 100 quality prospects on your list (if not more).
Step 3) You send those 100 prospects 30 emails over 30 days that provide value, and that end with an offer to work with you.
Step 4) You close at least one of those 100 prospects into a sale at $3,000 or more.
And if you can do that, you have a $30k/mo+ business.
The reason?
Because as you can see, you’ve spent $1,000 and made back $3,000.
So that means, for every $1,000 you spend you’re going to get back $3,000 or more - every time.
(As long as you keep consistently emailing, of course)
Now, does that mean once you’ve done the $1,000 test you start spending $5,000/day - every day?
No, you scale up slowly.
Maybe the next test you spend $2,000 over a month and see if you can get back $6,000 or more.
Then you spend $3,000 over a month, and so on and so forth.
I call this “snowball scaling”.
But the point is…
You start small with your ad spend…
You make sure it converts…
And when it does - well now you have a recipe for a very profitable business…
$1 in $3 out…
$1,000 in, $3,000 out…
$10,000 in, $30,000 out…
That’s the power of being able to convert paid advertising.
You know that once it converts, you can “scale to the moon” as the crypto guys say.
With that being said…
If you’re tired of spending half your day generating organic traffic, or if you simply want to learn how to scale paid ads, well that’s what I show you how to do in my 15 Minute Client program.
In fact…
I show you how to scale creating only 1 ad, and sending 1 email per day.
Yup, it’s extremely simple.
I run much more complex campaigns for clients but for myself and the coaches that I coach?
1 ad and 1 email is all I need as well.
To be notified when spots open next, make sure to put yourself on the waitlist now:
-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra
Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free
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