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Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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The “unicorn” email that closes any prospect

Do you remember the moment everything “clicked” for you?

It’s that moment where you made a discovery so huge, everything about your approach to getting results in your area of expertise changed.

For The Aussie Hermit, it was when I was floundering in business…

It was 2014.

I’d just got back from the UK.

And I was living with my Nan as she was the only one who would let me live rent free.

In fact…

I even had to get a side job in a cocktail bar just to pay off my debt.

But what I decided to do during that time was take a few steps back and work out a simpler way to build my business.

You see, up until that point, my approach to marketing was basically to “throw spaghetti at the wall.”

Meaning, I would try as many things as I could at once as I believed, “the more I did, the more chance I’d have of attracting clients.”


Here’s what happened…

In my time in London I did blogging, a YouTube show, speaking, podcasting, networking up to 5 nights per week, LinkedIn prospecting, webinars, virtual events, small private events plus many more strategies.

I even did cold calling at one stage because I was so out of ideas.

But that wasn’t even my most desperate act…

My most desperate act came at the end of my time in London when I went knocking on restaurant doors to try and sell them an offer that had nothing to do with my coaching…

A mobile app for their business!


The point is, though…

I tried a lot of things - and none of them worked.

And so when I got back to Australia, I knew I didn’t want to market my business that way anymore.

I knew I had to find something simple, straightforward and most of all…

Something that actually worked.

So during the daytime I would read about marketing. And during the evenings I would work at the bar.

And it went like this for about 6 months.

But everything “clicked” for me when I was reading this old-school marketing book.

And inside it was telling a story about this real marketing guru (not a fake “guru”) Chet Holmes (he’s dead now, but he was a former business partner of Tony Robbins).

And what Chet discovered through his years of working in many different markets was this:

In any one market at any one time, it will always break down into these 5 parts:

—> 3% of your market will be ready to buy today…

—> 7% are open to it…

—> 30% are not yet ready, but will be someday soon…

—> 30% are not thinking about it…

—> 30% aren’t thinking about it and won’t ever buy.

Then what he discovered is that most companies are trying to sell to the 3% and 7% group - the group in your market that are ready to buy now or are open to it.

And that if you try to do the same, you open yourself up to a lot of problems.

For example...

The first problem you open yourself to is - most other businesses are trying to do the same.

Everyone wants to sell to people ready to buy now.

And that means you have way more competition to deal with - making these prospects much harder to convert.

And then the second big problem you have is - these prospects don’t know about your methodology at all.

This means you have to educate them on this in a short amount of time in your sales process.

You have to explain why you do what you do…

What makes you different…

The benefits of your system vs others…

Why it’s the best out of the lot…

And you have to do this in one (or sometimes 2) phone calls.

Not an easy thing to do if you’re not good at selling.

And then the final problem you have is - these people have no idea who you are.

As you may be aware, the sale of coaching requires quite a lot of “know, like, trust and credibility” to be present before they buy.

After all, they’re spending a lot of money with you.

And so to get someone to make a purchase that large who’s only just seen your ad for the first time takes a lot of skill.

Sure, it can work.

But you have to be at the top of your sales game, and your marketing message (and offer) has to be “on point.”

In other words...

You really have to know what you’re doing.

And that’s why selling to the 3% and 7% groups makes it much harder on yourself.

But then he said something that completely changed the way I did business forever…

He said, if you want to be successful in business, the easiest way is to completely ignore that part of the market that are ready to buy now.

Instead, you simply focus on the next 30% - the group that isn’t yet ready to buy right now, but will be someday soon.

Then Chet went on to say…

If you build a relationship with those people before they’re ready to buy, who do you think they’re going to choose when they are ready to buy?


They choose you because they have a relationship with you.

They know you.

They like you.

They trust you.

And they know you’re an expert.

Then he also mentioned, because most of your compeitition rarely focus on this group, you basically get that whole 30% to yourself.

Pretty cool, right?

But how do you build that relationship with them before they’re ready to buy?

Well, that’s the part that’s so stupid simple I cannot believe I hadn’t been doing it up until that point…

You follow up.

By simply following up - by sending regular communications to that group before they’re ready to buy - you put yourself in the #1 position when they are ready.

And that discovery totally changed my world forever.

In that moment I realised I’d found what I was looking for…

A simple, straightforward way to be successful without having to be a marketing guru.

But here’s the thing…

I already knew about follow up. I knew about building a list and emailing it.

(After all, an email system was the first piece of software I invested in).

So I already knew it was important.

But it wasn’t until it was described to me in that specific way did I actually “get” it…

Where I had an “ah ha” moment that made me realise I was doing everything wrong, and most importantly…

Helped me to see what I needed to do going forward to (finally) get consistent clients.  

And that’s why I’m writing this email to you today…

This message is not about the power of follow up (although, hopefully the above gives you the same epiphany I had because follow up is powerful, it is profitable, and it is very simple to get results with).

This message is to show you that it took just a few paragraphs within an old-school marketing book to completely change my approach to business.

(So much so, I have been doing AND teaching this one concept for the last 6 years with my daily email approach)

And I think that’s pretty amazing.

Because it means it takes just one “ah ha” moment for your prospect to realise what they’ve been doing wrong, and what they need to do instead to get results.

And what that really means is…

If you can give them that “ah ha” moment - they will chase you down to work with you.


There have been people on my list that never bought anything from me. But because of one email where I described something a certain way, they wanted to work with me immediately.

They had an “ah ha” moment that finally helped them realise why they needed to implement what I was selling.

I call these “unicorn” emails.

And they’re powerful because in one email, you can convince a prospect who before reading the email had no intention of working with you, but by the end is booking a spot on your calendar to invest.

That’s the good news.

The bad news is, a unicorn email is different for everyone.

Some will get the “ah ha” moment when you describe your story, and why you do what you do…

Some will get the “ah ha” moment when you talk about a certain benefit of your system…

Some will get the “ah ha” moment when they hear you tell a story about a client…

And some will get it from a different type of email.

You simply don’t know.

And while that might seem like a negative, I actually think it’s a positive.

The reason?

Because each day you send an email, you know that it could be someone’s unicorn email.

And that should excite you.

Because it means with every email you send, you have a chance of turning someone who’s not ready to buy, into someone who is.

And who do you think they’re going to buy from when that happens?

Is it going to be the latest guru in your industry trying to hard sell them on a webinar or tripwire funnel because now they’re in that 3% group?


They’re going to buy from you because you’re the one they have a relationship with, and you’re the one who gave them that “ah ha” moment.

With that being said…

If you want to learn how to make follow up work for you, then my 15 Minute Client program could be right up your alley…

Inside I show you how to build your list with quality leads using paid traffic.

Then from there, I show you how to send that list a unicorn email every single day.

To be notified when doors open next, get on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra

Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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