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Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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Where I get great email ideas

When I tell Coaches all it takes it get a consistent flow of clients is one quick email per day, they usually love the idea…

But they also have a lot of fears about it.

And one of the big ones that creeps into their mind is…

"How the heck can I come up with enough content to send an email every day?!"

If that resonates, let me give you an example of some random personal stories I’ve turned into profitable emails…

  1. Buying chicken liver at the markets…
  2. A YouTube video I watched about Warren Buffets investment strategies…
  3. My ear wax…
  4. A guru ad that I saw promoting a copywriting product…
  5. A documentary series I watched about vaccines…
  6. A quote from General Flynn I read on telegram…
  7. A scene from The Shawshank Redemption of the main guy crawling through a sewer pipe…
  8. A conversation I had with Alana’s cousin…
  9. A question I got from a client on Apple’s security updates…
  10. My kids constantly hurting themselves…

Plus thousands more.

So you can see - an email can come from anywhere in your life.

In fact, just a regular day is filled with hundreds of entertaining stories you could write about (even if you think your life is boring - look at the examples again. A lot are things I just saw on the internet).

And that’s why when clients work with me in The 15 Minute Client program, they don’t ever think…

"How can I come up with enough content to send a daily email?"

Instead they think…

"Which one of the hundreds of stories I’ve collated should I write about today?"


Of course, some stories are better than others.

Some are more entertaining than others.

And others you don’t want to write about.

So which do you choose to put in an email?

Well, I have a system inside The 15 Minute Client program that helps you come up with hundreds of great stories every week (if you wanted).

But one tip I can leave you with is this…

Choose a story that *sparks* a strong emotion within you.

For example…

If you find it funny, those prospects who resonate with you will find it funny.

If you find it infuriating, those prospects who resonate with you will find it infuriating.

If you find it awe-inspiring, those prospects who resonate with you will find it awe-inspiring.


By picking a strong emotion you have the foundation for a great story email, and you also have a foundation to attract prospects who resonate with you (and that you love working with).

Cool, ey?


If you want in on my program that attracts dream clients sending one email per day, put your name on the waitlist here:

-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra

Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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