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Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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The cheap clients everyone ignores

Every Saturday morning, The Aussie Hermit does the weekly food shopping at the local farmers' markets.

And, they have all kinds of fresh food…

Fresh, organic meat, chicken and fish…

Fresh, organic, and biodynamic veggies…

All kinds of fruit, breads and pastries…

And tons of other types of food.

Typically, I’ll get meat, chicken, and veggies.

But every now and then I’ll stock up on livers.

Cow livers. Chicken livers. And duck livers.

And, one of the things that always shocks me is how cheap organ meats are.

For example, I can get a whole bag of livers for just a few dollars.

Which is crazy when you consider livers are probably the most nutrient-dense food there is.

So why is it so cheap?

Simply because our western culture doesn’t value it.

We’ve been educated to ignore the best parts of the animal for the “worst.”

And because of that, the best part is the cheapest, and the worst part is the most expensive.

Which is exactly how I see our industry. Here’s what I mean…

Most “gurus” have educated Coaches to go for the most expensive types of clients instead of the cheapest.

For example…

When a guru teaches you their latest funnel, it’s almost always trying to get that prospect on your calendar as quickly as possible.

The problem with this approach is:

You get no shows (expensive).
You have to do a lot of calls just to close one client (expensive).
And your cost per appointment is high because all your competitors are doing the exact same thing (very expensive).

Instead, I say go for the “chicken liver” clients.

The ones that show up to your calls…
The ones that are ready to buy before you’ve even spoken to them…
And the ones that are far cheaper to acquire than any guru funnel out there.

That client?

Those coming from email.

For whatever reason, most Coaches ignore email just like everyone at the markets ignores the organ meats.

But here’s the thing…

If you do it the right way, email absolutely kills every other funnel out there for results.

The reason?

Because the vast majority of prospects coming onto your email list aren’t ready to buy today.

(Especially a high priced offer)

But the secret is…

They will be one day soon.

And so if you can use email to build a relationship before they’re ready to buy - who do you think they’ll buy from when that day comes?


And guess what?

That’s a LOT of people that will choose you because as mentioned - the vast majority of people coming onto your list aren’t ready today, but will be some day soon.


Most will ignore this and chase the latest bright shiny guru funnel.

That’s fine with me.

I’ll continue to horde all the chicken liver clients for myself.

If you want the same, then make sure to put your name down on my 15 Minute Client program waitlist.

This is a system that shows you how to build your list on autopilot, and get very high quality clients every week sending just one email per day.

To be notified when doors open next, click here now:

-Luke Charlton
The Man Cave, Canberra

Free Guide Reveals: The 9 Email Offers that Get Coaching Clients Free

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